Saturday, March 29, 2014

Konnichiwa from Sapporo!

Here we are, happy as can be! 

It was a rough trek to get here. And long. And sleepless. But we made it!

Elisabeth was an awesome little traveler, who barely cried and handled the take-offs and landings like a champ and made friends with everyone she met along the way. Gotta love that little muffin! 

We were met at the Sapporo airport by Kevin's friend, who he met through an exchange in Tampere. We are so grateful he was there to meet us too, as we might still be figuring out how to get to Sapporo via train...and from the train station to our hotel via subway. ;)

After some 30+ hours of being awake, we all passed out once we got to the hotel and showered and ate. Ah, glorious sleep! It actually worked out quite well that we got to the hotel around 5pm local time, since by the time we were ready to sleep, it was 8pm and we were able to get on a decent schedule right away. Hopefully this means that we will have no jet lag? 

This morning we woke up, drank coffee (Juhla Mokka like real Finns) with our French press, and talked on skype with the Nelsons who were still enjoying their Friday night. Time difference will never cease to amaze me! 
After Elisabeth took her nap, we set off to find Odori park, which is the central park avenue here. We set off for a few minutes in the wrong direction (south instead of north) to Nakajima park. I have a feeling I'm going to love that park in the spring, since it impressed me even covered in snow!

We turned around to head in the right direction and walked up the street. It was a pretty crowded street and I'm sure I looked like a smiling fool to the passersby. It's kind of overwhelming all the hustle-bustle and noises (ads through speakers outside), traffic etc. It was like SLAP -- you're in Japan again!! I love it! 

We made it to Odori park in about 20 minutes or so.  The tower in the back is a landmark, so obviously we had to take plenty of tourist photos.

We decided to walk to the other end of the park (some 10-12 blocks) and find some more convenience store snacks along the way.

Right before we were ready to sit down and eat al fresco, my dear fell asleep. 

Kevin has been looking forward immensely to eating these onigiri, which is a rice ball with filling (and often) wrapped in nori (seaweed). 
This one was roe with egg.

I had one without the nori, but there was wasabi-tinted roe in there. Yum. And I don't even like the stuff!

This was dessert. It could be called heaven dessert. Royce apparently, is a big (chocolate) sweets company here and was founded in Sapporo. 
This particular ice cream was white chocolate green tea with nuts, with green tea ice cream and chocolate sauce inside.

Other things we found: green tea kitkats, bacon and asparagus snacks, and pumpkin snacks. 
I also had to have some caffeine, so I had a cold coffee drink. Yummy.

Kevin wanted a hot vending machine coffee. Like a boss. ;)

Here are some other photos from our walk.

 This guy passed us and seemed like an interesting fellow. 

The weather here is brisk, I have no idea how many degrees, but cold enough for there to be snow, but warm enough for bulbs to be rising. 

So there it is, the first day of our spring in Sapporo. :)

Typistetty suomennos:
Pitkän matkan jälkeen saavuttiin erittäin väsyneenä Sapporoon. Meitä vastassa oli jo Tampereelta tuttu vaihto-opiskelija, joka vei meitä junalla ja metrolla hotelliin asti. Onneksi, sillä olisimme luultavasti vielä lentokentällä ihmettelemässä millä junalla mennään ja miten. ;)
Perille kun päästiin nukuimme suihkun ja pienen aterian jälkeen makoisat 12 tuntia. Aamulla juotiin juhla mokkaa, koska eihän suomalainen lähde ulkomaille ilman sitä, heh. 
Iltapäivällä eksyimme vahingossa Nakajima-puistoon, joka oli luminen mutta kaunis.
Käännyimme toiseen suuntaan ja kävelimme Odori-puistoon, joka on Sapporon keskuspaikka. Sen päädyssä oleva torni on eräänlainen maamerkki, joten tietenkin turistikuvia piti ottaa! 
Kävelimme sitten puiston toiselle puolelle, noin 10-12 korttelia. Söimme lopuksi riisipalloja mätitäytteellä ja vihreä tee-jäätelöä. Naposteltiin vihreä tee-suklaata ja pekoni-parsa naksuja. Join ihanaa sokerista jääkahvia, Kevin taas halusi kuuman kahvin automaatista. 
Elisabeth nukkui rattaissa suurin osan lenkistä. Pieni maailman matkaaja. ♥
Täällä on pikkasen kylmempää kuin Tampeerella. Ainakin viima käy ja lunta on paljon. Sulaamassa se on kylläkin. Näkyi myös sipulikukkien nousevat lehdet.
Näin keväämme Sapporossa alkaa! :)


  1. Jee Anneli! Ihanaa kun pistit blogin taas pystyyn. Nauttikaa ihanasta reissusta! Voisitko muuten laittaa sivupalkkiin sen että blogia pystyy seuraamaan bloggerin kautta?

    1. Hei Sofia ja kiitos! :) Koitin laittaa jotain follow me juttuja tonne mut ei nyt mulle näy muuta kuin tittelit. ;/ Googlasin jopa et miten saa sen friend connect jutun tonne mut ei kyl nyt multa onnistu. Ilmoita jos se silti näkyy? Tai jos oot viisas ja osaat, laita mulle fb kautta ohjeet tai jotain? :D

    2. Piti käydä omasta blogista katsomassa :D kokeile mennä blogin hallintapaneeliin -> vasemmasta palkista ulkoasu -> Lisää gadget (siihen kohtaan mihin haluat) -> avautuu ikkuna, josta valitaan Muita laajennuksia -> valitaan Lukijat (Näyttää luettelon käyttäjistä, jotka lukevat blogiasi) jolloin tulee muistaakseni myös mahdolliseksi seurata blogia suoraan bloggerin kautta.
