Friday, May 23, 2014

Walk to Makomanai

On Tuesday, we decided to take advantage of the spectacular sunny weather and walk to Makomanai along the Toyohira river.

Here we are already pretty close to our destination. In total, it's about 5-6 km I believe to Makomanai from where we live. 

There are lots of bridges to pass. 

Mt Moiwa looks so small and unimposing from this angle and distance. To think we were so high up the day before! 

Some people have super cool yards.

Sunny signs of summer:

All the spruces are making new growth.

The first wisteria we've seen in bloom.

Ah this bridge. Tucked away. :)

We picked up some lunch (sushi of course) from a grocery store deli and went in search of an appropriate lunch spot. On our way, we found a blooming little apple tree with some friends who also found lunch. 


 We sat at the end of a playground with views of this park.
Apparently, it was made in honor of the Sapporo winter olympics in 1972. 
I believe.

After dinner, we let Elisabeth go down the slide a few dozen times. 

 Then we went to investigate the mock ancient Greek ruins. ;)

Oooh a cherry tree!

While taking the pictures, Elisabeth played with my sunglasses, took off her socks (her shoes were long gone at this point), and was generally having a good time.

 The bike parking lot by the Makomanai station. 

The subway parked at the station waiting to leave. 

It was pretty empty so I dared to take a quickie snapshot so you can see where we spend our time travelling (when we aren't walking)! 

It was another fun day! :)

1 comment:

  1. All beautiful pictures, especially the ones of our little munchkin and that toothy grin! Just precious! I was amazed to see how clean the subways are, especially when you talk of them being so overcrowded during rush hours. The floor even shines!
